The board is chaired by an independent chair, is supported by staff within the Partnerships and Safeguarding Team and is hosted by Wigan Council.
Core members
- Independent Chair Adults Safeguarding - Independent
- Superintendent Wigan Division - GMP
- Director of Adult Services - Wigan Council
- Associate Director Quality - NHS GM Integrated Care Board
- Portfolio Holder Adult Social Care - Wigan Council
- Director Community Services (Adult Services) - Wigan Council.
Wider membership
- Wigan Director Of Public Health - Wigan Council
- Assistant Director Adult Safeguarding - NHS GM Integrated Care Board
- Head of Operations, Wigan Division - Greater Manchester Mental Health Trust
- Assistant Chief Officer - Probation Service Greater Manchester
- Chief Officer (Wigan) - GMFRS
- Chief Officer - We Are With You (Drug and Alcohol Services)
- Locality Manager - Wigan Healthwatch
- Inspector (safeguarding) Wigan Division - GMP
- Safeguarding Manager - NWAS
- Chief Nurse and Director of Infection Prevention and Control - WWL
- Deputy Chief Nurse (Corporate) - WWL
- Assistant Director Provider Management and Market Development - Wigan Council
- Service Manager & Principal Social Worker (Adults) - Wigan Council
- Lawyer (Legal Adviser to WSAB) - Wigan Council
- WSAB Service Manager - WSP
- Service Manager (Domestic Abuse, Reform and Partnerships) - Wigan Council
- Care Quality Commission (Wigan Lead Officer) - CQC
- Adult Safeguarding Team Manager (Adult Services) - Wigan Council
- CQC Locality Lead - CQC.
Other agencies
The board maintains links to a range of agencies who support adult safeguarding and the protection of adults at risk.
- Coroner’s office
- Crown Prosecution Service
- Department of Work and Pensions
- Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Service
- Domestic Abuse services
- Drug and Alcohol Services
- Human Trafficking organisations
- MAPPA (Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements)
- Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office
- Office of the Public Guardian
- UK Border Agency
- Victim Support
- Witness Protection Services.