
Who is on the board?

The board is chaired by an independent chair, is supported by staff within the Partnerships and Safeguarding Team and is hosted by Wigan Council.

Core members

  • Independent Chair Adults Safeguarding - Independent
  • Superintendent Wigan Division - GMP
  • Director of Adult Services - Wigan Council
  • Associate Director Quality - NHS GM Integrated Care Board
  • Portfolio Holder Adult Social Care - Wigan Council
  • Director Community Services (Adult Services) - Wigan Council.

Wider membership

  • Wigan Director Of Public Health - Wigan Council
  • Assistant Director Adult Safeguarding - NHS GM Integrated Care Board
  • Head of Operations, Wigan Division - Greater Manchester Mental Health Trust
  • Assistant Chief Officer - Probation Service Greater  Manchester
  • Chief Officer (Wigan) - GMFRS
  • Chief Officer - We Are With You (Drug and Alcohol Services)
  • Locality Manager - Wigan Healthwatch
  • Inspector (safeguarding) Wigan Division - GMP
  • Safeguarding Manager - NWAS
  • Chief Nurse and Director of Infection Prevention and Control - WWL
  • Deputy Chief Nurse (Corporate) - WWL
  • Assistant Director Provider Management and Market Development - Wigan Council
  • Service Manager & Principal Social Worker (Adults) - Wigan Council
  • Lawyer (Legal Adviser to WSAB) - Wigan Council
  • WSAB Service Manager - WSP
  • Service Manager (Domestic Abuse, Reform and Partnerships) - Wigan Council
  • Care Quality Commission (Wigan Lead Officer) - CQC
  • Adult Safeguarding Team Manager (Adult Services) - Wigan Council
  • CQC Locality Lead - CQC.

Other agencies

The board maintains links to a range of agencies who support adult safeguarding and the protection of adults at risk.

  • Coroner’s office
  • Crown Prosecution Service
  • Department of Work and Pensions
  • Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards Service
  • Domestic Abuse services
  • Drug and Alcohol Services
  • Human Trafficking organisations
  • MAPPA (Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements)
  • Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office
  • Office of the Public Guardian
  • UK Border Agency
  • Victim Support
  • Witness Protection Services.